Girls Power Fund
A platform to empower girls and young women through STEM and entrepreneurship education, mentorship, and opportunities, fostering their skills, confidence, and leadership to thrive in a technology-driven world
Project based learning methodology
Inspirational female speakers
Hands on experience
Learning the skills to succeed
Our impact
Alumni of Girls Power fund won several national and international competitions, such as Technovation Challenge, Tech Girls and Robocon and raise funds for their own projects for the betterment of their communities. Many of them switch to STEM majors after graduating from our programs
Our approach
Providing high school students with hands-on experience in coding, web development and project design, GPF has worked with over 700 girls. Using a project-based learning methodology, GPF has delivered 20 tailored programs focused on developing technical and leadership skills. Each program is created using a participatory design process, allowing program participants to voice their interests, aspirations and needs in the development of the curriculum. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Girls Power Fund launched a free tutoring program after learning that students were not able to complete homework due to childcare responsibilities during remote learning.
Our Partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
Our news
First from the Post Soviet Region
The CEO of Girls Power fund Dinara Auyelbekova was selected as an Obama Scholar at Columbia University. This is a competitive and prestigious program for emerging leaders all over the world. She is the one and only graduate of this program from the Post Soviet region.
Girls Power fund was chosen as top 45 social projects among 700 applications
Meet the 2024 Young Global Changers! 🎉
We are thrilled to announce that these brilliant young minds are our #YGC24.

They're #activists, #advocates, #artists, #ContentProducers, #entrepreneurs, #educators, #founders, #healthcare #leaders, #strategists, #policymakers, #podcaster, #researchers, #innovators, #sustainability #enthusiasts, #volunteers, #visionaries

Media mentions

Story behind GPF
Workshop in Taraz city
Our team
  • Aziza Ibragimova
    Project Manager

  • Dinara Auyelbekova
    Founder and CEO
  • Assel Amit
    Program Manager
  • Aruzhan Nurmakhanova
    Program coordinator


We accept donations to help us sustain our operations and create more programs for the girls.
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